Manage fears & phobias with Hypnotherapy, NLP & CBT Therapy ~ Bristol & North Somerset

Help for fears and phobias

Many of us have fears about particular objects or situations, and this is perfectly normal and treatable. According to the Penguin Dictionary of Psychology, fears are only classified as phobias if they are:

"Irrational, persistent and intense and there is a compelling need to flea or avoid the phobic object or situation."

Whether you have a fear or a phobia, help is here to make life easier. If you can relate to any of the following phobia symptoms, or you just need to work through fear that is holding you back, please read more below about how I can help.

Conquer fear everyday
123 let's go

Overcome Fears and Phobias

Are fears and phobias holding you back? From Dentophobia (fear of dentists) to Sitiophobia (fear of food), I specialise in treating a wide range of issues with proven, personalised techniques, including:

Why Choose Me? I offer compassionate, professional support tailored to your needs, combining modern and traditional approaches for effective results.

Whether your fears are long-standing or recent, they are treatable. With the right support, you can take control and move forward.

Take the Next Step ~ Contact me today for a free consultation and start overcoming your fears and phobias.

What people are saying ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Over the last 19 years I have successfully guided numerous individuals through their fears and phobias, helping them regain control of their lives. My experience allows me to tailor my approach to your specific needs and help you achieve lasting change. Here are a few of the phobias I've worked with.

I’ve been dating for 2 months now, your session made me realise (amongst other things) that there were so many things I’d never thought about, its scary stuff but as you well know that’s a good sign, still have the odd wobble, but definitely much better.

“My fear of facing death has significantly reduced resulting in my concerns about my health being less which means I feel I am able to start planning for the future again. I also feel that my sense of control, over the thoughts that were disturbing me, has now doubled.”

Driving phobia including fear of driving on motorways

“Thank you for all your help with my phobia. As you know before we started working together it was really affecting my daily life and ability to do little things like go to the shop. Now driving is actually going really well. I have to drive to work every day and it’s more rural so having to drive most days which is great, much better! I’m definitely more confident day to day! Thank you”

“Just got to let you know – I’ve nailed the motorway! Well, the M5 up to Junction 9 and the roads to my son’s and back! Nearly 4 hours driving and it was absolutely fine – just like we talked about in the session. Sunny Sunday eve, window down, good music and I used all 3 lanes 😄. Massive thank you.”

“Thank you for all your help over the last few months. I thought I’d let you know that on Tuesday we drove me to work on the motorway so we went from Clevedon to the Cribbs junction! All went well!”

I drove myself to my youngest’s new home nearly 2 hours away using all the techniques we talked about in my sessions. I was unbelievably not phased by it at all. I really wanted to tell you that, as the sessions had a significant impact on me.

“…my confidence suffered because somewhere a long the way I developed some kind of learned helplessness, whereby, it felt like there was no point in trying anything because I’d never succeed or be good at it (although sometimes I’d try too hard because of fear of failure) – now I do have perseverance, determination and faith in my abilities to do what ever I want. Our life coaching work gave me the initial inspiration and motivation to change and I saw how bad things were (couldn’t have got to where I am without it – was the 1st crucial step, that I probably couldn’t have made on my own).”

“Hi Claire, My trip to The Dolomites was a big success. I embraced the anticipation in the run up, reframing the feeling in my stomach as excitement and not trying to make it stop with breathing. I ate well and went for a gentle run a couple of hours before the flight. I travelled the whole journey thinking entirely about the end goal of getting on the mountain. The plane journey was relaxed and enjoyable. Thank you for all your help.”

My reply:

“Absolutely brilliant news and a massive well done to you 🎖️thank you so much for letting me know and the photos – they’re amazing. I had been wondering how you were getting on and sending positive vibes 😊”


Hi Claire,

“It’s been a year since I’ve been in touch and I’ve just got back from a 10 day climbing holiday in Greece. This was a 4 hour flight, much longer than Italy. The outbound one also involved waking up at 2:45am. So that’s 2 additional levels of difficulty on top of my last trip.

I wanted to do another flight after some time had passed to truly prove progress. As you may remember I’d engaged help previously with initial success but then had a setback on a subsequent attempt. Now that I’ve done 2 trips, a year apart I am happy that I’ve made permanent changes for the better and have the tools to continue.”

Dental phobia/ Fear of needles

“I’ve done it- I’ve had an injection. I had to wait for a long time in the dentists waiting room and normally I would have lost my nerve and left but I used all the techniques you’d taught me and kept really calm. I feel this is a major breakthrough for me and I’m beginning to think really differently about my dental phobia.”

“I forced myself to watch a film related to my worse fear- being paralysed. I managed to watch it and accept that it was just a film and felt so much more detached and less anxious than I would have normally. I have less anxieties since our hypnotherapy session and am not so anxious over my kids coming to any harm; life seems so much easier.”
“I forced myself to watch a film related to my worse fear- being paralysed. I managed to watch it and accept that it was just a film and felt so much more detached and less anxious than I would have normally. I have less anxieties since our hypnotherapy session and am not so anxious over my kids coming to any harm; life seems so much easier.”
“I forced myself to watch a film related to my worse fear- being paralysed. I managed to watch it and accept that it was just a film and felt so much more detached and less anxious than I would have normally. I have less anxieties since our hypnotherapy session and am not so anxious over my kids coming to any harm; life seems so much easier.”

Fear of public speaking/ glossophobia (for more see ‘Social anxiety – public speaking’)

“Hi Claire, thank you for your help today. I found it a very useful session.  I’ve read the attachment and the link with great interest.
Looking forward to speaking next week”

“Thanks so much for our session yesterday and for sending the resources through. Took me a little while to calm down before sleep last night but I listened to your audio and it definitely helped!”

“Thank you Claire. It was a really productive and worthwhile session, looking forward to our next one”

“After four hypnotherapy sessions for fear of foodstuffs my fear has gone from a 10 (on a scale from 0-10, 10 being the highest) to a 3. I’m getting on much better with all things food these days. I now eat a much wider range of foods and am much more likely to try new foods. Also I am able to eat out at almost any restaurant and feel ‘normal’. I would say I am 99% satisfied with the results of the treatment – perfection is rarely attainable!”

“Thanks so much for all your hard work getting me to where I am now.  As you know I’d suffered on and off for years whenever I travelled anywhere, with what I thought was a travel phobia. 

After talking to you and discovering it was in fact a ‘toilet phobia’ I began to understand that it was my fear of being too far from a toilet and not being able to get there on time that was the real issue.

I feel I have really changed the way I think about it all and have positive techniques to use on an ongoing basis.  As you know your suggestion of starting with smaller journeys helped; going to Bristol, the South East, London, Scotland and finally the biggee flying abroad.  It’s all been great with no problems, I just kept myself calm and relaxed all thanks to you.

I feel much more confident now and have made other positive life changes too as you know.  I also feel more excited about travelling than ever before and am able to do all the stuff I wanted because of the techniques you’ve given me and the Hypnotherapy sessions.  Thank you so much 😊”

With my skills and experience I can help you...

How would life be different for you?

Apart from the list above your life may change positively in other ways. A very important first step to overcoming fears and phobias is trying to pinpoint what these are. Take some time now to think about how your life would be different...

How would you know you were free from your fears and phobias?

What would be different?

What would people notice about you?

What would you be doing differently?

Personalised assessment

As I've already said each fear or phobia can be very different for each person. Due to this as part of the free initial consultation, I may ask you to complete an assessment via email, before we even work together. This assessment will be tailored to your specific fear or phobia, where relevant.

Through this process I can establish whether your fear or phobia is something I can work with. Filling out assessments also saves a lot of time in sessions, thus saving you money. It can also increase your self awareness and insight into your issue, which can really help you to move forward.

I feel one of the most important things as a therapist is to understand what is going on for you and what keeps you held back by your fear or phobia. This way I can then work out how to work with you most effectively for positive change.

Tailored sessions

Each fear or phobia is very different and all sessions are tailored, as precisely as possible, to the individual. This is to ensure that you get the most out of sessions.

Together we can work out the best approach for you, e.g. Hypnotherapy, CBT, NLP, Coaching or a combination, depending on your needs or preferences. I use all the information you provide to tailor each session more precisely; the more personalised sessions are (especially in hypnotherapy) the more effective they will be

Working on the conscious and subconscious for permanent positive change

I can use hypnotherapy and at least one other psychological therapy to activate change at both the conscious and subconscious levels of your mind, in a completely safe way:

Hypnotherapy + other psychological/ physical therapy > synchronise your conscious and subconscious for permanent and positive changes

All of my techniques are completely safe and have been shown to be truly effective in improving the quality of people’s personal and professional lives through an exciting journey of self discovery and empowerment.

Fears and phobias I've worked with

As I've already said I've worked with various fears and phobias. This includes toilet phobia/ fear of travel, social anxiety disorder (SAD) also called social phobia, fear of paralysis, death, dentists, failure, flying, dogs, wasps, rejection, food and dentist/ injections.

For more information about how I've helped people please click on the following button to read more testimonials. They can be found under 'anxiety', 'fears and phobias' and 'social anxiety'.

What is the difference between a fear and a phobia?

Fear is an unpleasant emotion brought on by negative anticipation. Almost everyone has a fear of something. This can range from fear of spiders or heights, or something more common such as a fear of failure (e.g. in driving tests/ exams), not being good enough, or fear of dying. Another common fear is of public speaking, which approximately 90% of the population suffer from.

Here are some criteria that define phobias:

Did you know?

Both fears and phobias are NOT a sign of weakness and are more common than you probably think.

Anyone can suffer from fears or phobias at any time in their life and this can be formed around literally anything, which explains why there are so many known fears and phobias. This can be seen by the very long list of fears and phobias below.

How does a phobia develop?

A phobia develops as the result of a learned response to a negative experience. For example, if as a child I had been bitten by a dog I would probably have been very frightened and upset.

Following that experience my subconscious would repress or hide my emotions and develop a phobia to ensure I didn’t get bitten by a dog ever again. The subconscious will take just one experience like this and generalise behaviours of being terrified of something for years and in extreme cases for a lifetime, if there is no therapeutic intervention.

This reflects just how quickly the brain learns a new behaviour and why hypnotherapy can embed a different and more useful behaviour (not to be scared) just as quickly by breaking the association between the stimulus and the response.

Overcome fears and phobias through powerful hypnotherapy

Trying to consciously learn a new behaviour and break the association between stimulus and response is often totally ineffective. This is because the subconscious holds the root cause of phobias, as this is where they are first developed.

So although most people know what has caused their phobia they will still struggle to control and rationalise this at a conscious level and will therefore still experience the phobia. Hypnotherapy taps into the subconscious mind and as such it can be extremely effective at treating phobias, especially as it can get to the root cause of the issue.

Wild Swimming spot by Clevedon Pier

 The following is a comprehensive list of phobias, in alphabetical order:



Abuse: sexual – Contreltophobia

Accidents – Dystychiphobia


Air- Anemophobia


Air swallowing – Aerophobia

Airborne noxious substances – Aerophobia

Airsickness – Aeronausiphobia

Alcohol – Methyphobia or Potophobia

Alone, being – Autophobia or Monophobia

Alone, being or solitude – Isolophobia

Amnesia – Amnesiphobia

Anger – Cholerophobia

Angina – Anginophobia

Animals – Zoophobia

Animals, skins of or fur – Doraphobia

Animals, wild – Agrizoophobia

Ants – Myrmecophobia

Anything new – Neophobia

Asymmetrical things – Asymmetriphobia

Atomic Explosions – Atomosophobia

Automobile, being in a moving – Ochophobia

Automobiles- Motorphobia



Bacteria – Bacteriophobia

Bald people – Peladophobia

Bald, becoming – Phalacrophobia

Bathing – Ablutophobia

Beards – Pogonophobia

Beaten by a rod or instrument of punishment, or of being severely criticized – Rhabdophobia

Beautiful women – Caligynephobia

Beds or going to bed – Clinophobia

Bees – Apiphobia or Melissophobia

Bicycles – Cyclophobia

Birds – Ornithophobia

Black – Melanophobia

Blindness in a visual field – Scotomaphobia

Blood – Hemophobia, Hemaphobia or Hematophobia

Blushing or the colour  red – Erythrophobia, Erytophobia or Ereuthophobia

Body odors – Osmophobia or Osphresiophobia

Body, things to the left side of the body – Levophobia

Body, things to the right side of the body – Dextrophobia

Bogeyman or bogies – Bogyphobia

Bolsheviks – Bolshephobia

Books – Bibliophobia

Bound or tied up – Merinthophobia

Bowel movements: painful – Defecaloesiophobia

Brain disease – Meningitophobia

Bridges or of crossing them – Gephyrophobia

Buildings: being close to high buildings – Batophobia

Bullets – Ballistophobia

Bulls – Taurophobia

Bums or beggars – Hobophobia

Burglars, or being harmed by wicked persons – Scelerophobia

Buried alive, being or cemeteries – Taphephobia or Taphophobia



Cancer – Cancerophobia, Carcinophobia


Car or vehicle, riding in – Amaxophobia

Cats – Aclurophobia, Ailurophobia, Elurophobia, Felinophobia, Galeophobia, or Gatophobia

Celestial spaces – Astrophobia

Cemeteries – Coimetrophobia

Cemeteries or being buried alive – Taphephobia or Taphophobia

Ceremonies, religious – Teleophobia

Changes, making; moving – Tropophobia or Metathesiophobia

Chickens – Alektorophobia

Child, bearing a deformed; deformed people – Teratophobia

Childbirth – Maleusiophobia, Tocophobia, Parturiphobia, or Lockiophobia

Children – Pedophobia

Chinese or Chinese culture – Sinophobia

Chins – Geniophobia

Choking or being smothered – Pnigophobia or Pnigerophobia

Choking – Anginophobia

Cholera – Chorophobia

Church – Ecclesiophobia

Clocks – Chronomentrophobia

Clocks or time – Chronophobia

Clothing – Vestiphobia

Clouds – Nephophobia

Clowns – Coulrophobia

Coitus – Coitophobia

Cold or cold things – Frigophobia

Cold: extreme, ice or frost – Cryophobia

Cold – Cheimaphobia, Cheimatophobia, Psychrophobia or Psychropophobia

Colour  purple – Porphyrophobia

Colour  red or blushing – Erythrophobia, Erytophobia or Ereuthophobia

Colour  yellow – Xanthophobia

Colour  white – Leukophobia

Colours – Chromophobia or Chromatophobia

Comets – Cometophobia

Computers or working on computers – Cyberphobia

Confined spaces – Claustrophobia

Constipation – Coprastasophobia

Contamination, dirt or infection – Molysmophobia or Molysomophobia

Contamination with dirt or germs – Misophobia or Mysophobia

Cooking – Mageirocophobia

Corpses – Necrophobia

Cosmic Phenomenon – Kosmikophobia

Creepy, crawly things – Herpetophobia

Criticized severely, or beaten by rod or instrument of punishment – Rhabdophobia

Criticism – Enissophobia

Crosses or the crucifix – Staurophobia

Crossing streets – Agyrophobia or Dromophobia

Crowded public places like markets – Agoraphobia

Crowds or mobs – Enochlophobia, Demophobia or Ochlophobia

Crucifix, the or crosses – Staurophobia

Crystals or glass – Crystallohobia



Dampness, moisture or liquids – Hygrophobia

Dancing – Chorophobia

Dark or night – Nyctophobia

Dark place, being in – Lygophobia

Darkness – Achluophobia or Myctophobia, or Scotophobia

Dawn or daylight – Eosophobia

Daylight or sunshine – Phengophobia

Death or dying – Thanatophobia

Death or dead things – Necrophobia


‘Fear of death’ Harmony4Life client testimony

“My fear of facing death has significantly reduced resulting in my concerns about my health being less which means I feel I am able to start planning for the future again.  I also feel that my sense of control, over the thoughts that were disturbing me, has now doubled.”


Decaying matter – Seplophobia

Decisions: making decisions – Decidophobia

Defeat – Kakorrhaphiophobia

Deformed people or bearing a deformed child – Teratophobia

Deformity or unattractive body image – Dysmorphophobia

Demons – Demonophobia or Daemonophobia

Dental surgery – Odontophobia

Dentists – Dentophobia


‘Fear of dentists’ Harmony4Life client testimony

“I’ve done it- I’ve had an injection.  I had to wait for a long time in the dentists waiting room and normally I would have lost my nerve and left but I used all the techniques you’d taught me and kept really calm.  I feel this is a major breakthrough for me and I’m beginning to think really differently about my dental phobia.”


Dependence on others – Soteriophobia

Depth – Bathophobia

Diabetes – Diabetophobia

Dining or dinner conservations – Delpnophobia

Dirt, contamination or infection – Molysmophobia or Molysomophobia

Dirt or germs, being contaminated with – Misophobia or mysophobia

Dirt or filth – Rhypophobia or Rupophobia

Dirty, being dirty or personal filth – Automysophobia

Disease – Nosophobia, Nosemaphobia or Pathophobia

Disease and suffering – Panthophobia

Disease, a definite – Monopathophobia

Disease, brain – Meningitophobia

Disease: kidney – Albuminurophobia

Disease, rectal – Rectophobia

Dizziness or vertigo when looking down – Illyngophobia

Dizziness or whirlpools – Dinophobia

Doctor, going to the / fer of having medical tests- Iatrophobia

Doctrine, challeges to or radical deviation from official – Heresyphobia or Hereiophobia

Dogs or rabies – Cynophobia

Dolls – Pediophobia

Double vision – Diplophobia

Drafts – Aerophobia or Anemophobia

Dreams, wet – Oneirogmophobia

Dreams – Oneirophobia

Drinking – Dipsophobia

Drugs, new – Neopharmaphobia

Drugs or taking medicine – Pharmacophobia

Dryness- Xerophobia

Dust- Amathophobia or Koniophobia

Duty or responsibility, neglecting – Paralipophobia

Dying or death – Thanatophobia



Eating or swallowing – Phagophobia

Eating or food – Sitophobia or Sitiophobia

Eating or swallowing or of being eaten – Phagophobia


‘Fear of food’ Harmony4Life client testimony

“After four hypnotherapy sessions for fear of foodstuffs my fear has gone from a 10 (on a scale from 0-10, 10 being the highest) to a 3.  I’m getting on much better with all things food these days. I now eat a much wider range of foods and am much more likely to try new foods.  Also I am able to eat out at almost any restaurant and feel ‘normal’.” 


Eight, the number – Octophobia

Electricity – Electrophobia

Englishness – Anglophobia

Erect penis – Medorthophobia

Erection, losing an – Medomalacuphobia

Everything – Panophobia, Panphobia, Pamphobia, or Pantophobia

Eyes – Ommetaphobia or Ommatophobia

Eyes, opening one’s – Optophobia



Fabrics, certain – Textophobia

Failure – Atychiphobia or Kakorrhaphiophobia


‘Fear of failure’ Harmony4Life client testimony

“…my confidence suffered because somewhere a long the way I developed some kind of learned helplessness, whereby, it felt like there was no point in trying anything because I’d never succeed or be good at it (although sometimes I’d try too hard because of fear of failure) – now I do have perseverance, determination and faith in my abilities to do what ever I want.  Our  life coaching work gave me the initial inspiration and motivation to change and I saw how bad things were (couldn’t have got to where I am without it – was the 1st crucial step, that I  probably couldn’t have made on my own).”


Fainting – Asthenophobia

Fatigue – Kopophobia

Fearful situations: being preferred by a phobic – Counterphobia

Feathers or being tickled by feathers – Pteronophobia

Fecal matter, feces – Coprophobia or Scatophobia

Female genitals – Kolpophobia

Female genitalia – Eurotophobia

Fever – Febriphobia, Fibriphobia, Fidriophobia or Pyrexiophobia

Filth or dirt – Rhypophobia

Fire – Arsonphobia or Pyrophobia

Firearms – Hoplophobia

Fish – Ichthyophobia

Flogging or punishment – Mastigophobia

Floods – Antlophobia

Flowers – Anthrophobia or Anthophobia

Flutes – Aulophobia

Flying – Aviophobia or Aviatophobia or Pteromerhanophobia


Fog – Homichlophobia or Nebulaphobia

Food or eating – Sitophobia or Sitiophobia

Food – Cibophobia

Foreigners or strangers – Xenophobia

Forests or wooden objects – Xylophobia

Forests – Hylophobia

Forests, dark wooded area, of at night – Nyctohylophobia

Forgetting or being forgotten – Athazagoraphobia

France or French culture – Francophobia, Gallophobia or Galiphobia

Freedom – Eleutherophobia

Friday the 13th – Paraskavedekatriaphobia

Frogs – Batrachophobia

Frost, ice or extreme cold – Cryophobia

Frost or ice – Pagophobia

Functioning or work: surgeon’s fear of operating – Ergasiophobia


Fur or skins of animals – Doraphobia



Gaiety – Cherophobia

Garlic – Alliumphobia

Genitals, particularly female – Kolpophobia

Genitalia, female – Eurotophobia

Germans or German culture – Germanophobia or Teutophobia

Germs or dirt, being contaminated with – Misophobia or Mysophobia

Germs – Verminophobia

Ghosts or specters – Spectrophobia

Ghosts – Phasmophobia

Fear of ghosts Harmony4Life testimony

“So I’m pleased to say that I’m doing well. The work we did together has absolutely changed things for me. Thank you for everything you’ve done, it’s been an incredible change.”

Girls, young or virgins – Parthenophobia

Glass or crystals – Crystallophobia

Glass – Hyelophobia, Hyalophobia or Nelophobia

Gloomy place, being in – Lygophobia


God or gods – Zeusophobia

Gods or religion – Theophobia

Gold – Aurophobia

Good news, hearing good news – Euphobia

Gravity – Barophobia

Greek or Greek culture – Hellophobia

Greek terms – Hellenologophobia



Hair – Chaetophobia, Trichopathophobia, Trichophobia, or Hypertrichophobia

Halloween – Samhainophobia

Handwriting – Graphophobia

Harmed by wicked persons; bad men or burglars – Scelerophobia

Heart – Cardiophobia

Heat – Thermophobia

Heaven – Ouranophobia or Uranophobia

Heights – Acrophobia, Altophobia, Batophobia, Hypsiphobia or Hyposophobia

Hell – Hadephobia, Stygiophobia or Stigiophobia

Heredity – Patroiophobia

Holy things – Hagiophobia

Home – Ecophobia

Home surroundings or a house – Oikophobia

Home, returning – Nostophobia

Home surroundings – Eicophobia

Homosexuality or of becoming homosexual – Homophobia

Horses – Equinophobia or Hippophobia

Hospitals – Nosocomephobia

House or home surroundings – Oikophobia

Houses or being in a house – Domatophobia

Hurricanes and tornadoes – Lilapsophobia

Hypnotized, being or of sleep – Hypnophobia



Ice or frost – Pagophobia

Ice, frost or extreme cold – Cryophobia

Ideas – Ideophobia

Ignored, being – Athazagoraphobia

Imperfection – Atelophobia

Inability to stand – Basiphobia or Basophobia

Infection, contamination or dirt – Molysmophobia or Molysomophobia

Infinity – Apeirophobia

Injections – Trypanophobia


‘Fear of injections’ Harmony4Life client testimony 

“I’ve done it- I’ve had an injection.  I had to wait for a long time in the dentists waiting room and normally I would have lost my nerve and left but I used all the techniques you’d taught me and kept really calm.  I feel this is a major breakthrough for me and I’m beginning to think really differently about my dental phobia.”


Injury – Traumatophobia


‘Fear of paralysis’ Harmony4Life client testimony

“I forced myself to watch a film related to my worse fear- being paralysed.  I managed to watch it and accept that it was just a film and felt so much more detached and less anxious than I would have normally.  I have less anxieties since our hypnotherapy session and am not so anxious over my kids coming to any harm; life seems so much easier.”


Insanity, dealing with – Lyssophobia

Insanity – Dementophobia or Maniaphobia

Insects – Acarophobia or Entomophobia or Insectophobia

Insects that eat wood – Isopterophobia

Insects that cause itching – Acarophobia

Itching – Acarophobia



Japanese or Japanese culture – Japanophobia

Jealousy – Zelophobia

Jews – Judeophobia

Joint immobility – Ankylophobia

Jumping from high and low places – Catapedaphobia

Justice – Dikephobia



Kidney disease – Albuminurophobia

Kissing – Philemaphobia or Philematophobia

Knees – Genuphobia

Knowledge – Gnosiophobia or Epistemophobia



Lakes – Limnophobia

Large things – Megalophobia

Laughter – Geliophobia

Lawsuits – Liticaphobia

Learning – Sophophobia

Left-handed; objects at the left side of the body – Sinistrophobia

Leprosy – Leprophobia or Lepraphobia

Lice – Pediculophobia or Phthiriophobia

Light – Photophobia

Light flashes – Selaphobia

Lightning and thunder – Brontophobia or Karaunophobia

Lights, glaring – Photoaugliaphobia

Liquids, dampness or moisture – Hygrophobia

Locked in an enclosed place – Cleithrophobia, Cleisiophobia, or Clithrophobia

Lockjaw or tetanus – Tetanophobia

Loneliness or of being oneself – Eremophobia or Eremiphobia

Looking up – Anablephobia or Anablepophobia

Loud noises – Ligyrophobia

Love, sexual love – Erotophobia

Love play – Malaxophobia or Sarmassophobia

Love, falling or being in – Philophobia



Machines – Mechanophobia

Mad, becoming – Lyssophobia

Many things – Polyphobia

Marriage – Gamophobia

Materialism – Hylephobia

Matter, decaying – Seplophobia

Meat – Carnophobia

Medicine, taking; or drugs – Pharmacophobia

Medicines, mercurial – Hydrargyophobia

Memories- Mnemophobia

Men, bad or burglars or being harmed by wicked persons – Scelerophobia; 
Men – Androphobia or Arrhenphobia or Hominophobia

Menstruation – Menophobia

Mercurial medicines – Hydrargyophobia

Metal – Metallophobia

Meteors – Meteorophobia

Mice – Musophobia, Murophobia or Suriphobia

Microbes – Bacillophobia or Microbiophobia

Mind – Psychophobia

Mirrors or seeing oneself in a mirror – Eisoptrophobia

Mirrors – Catoptrophobia

Missles – Ballistophobia

Mobs or crowds – Demophobia, Enochlophobia or Ochlophobia

Moisture, dampness or liquids – Hygrophobia

Money – Chrometophobia or Chrematophobia

Moon – Selenophobia

Mother-in-law – Pentheraphobia

Moths – Mottephobia

Motion or movement – Kinetophobia or Kinesophobia

Moving or making changes – Tropophobia

Moving automobile or vehicle, being in – Ochophobia

Muscular incoordination (Ataxia) – Ataxiophobia

Mushrooms – Mycophobia

Music – Melophobia

Myths or stories or false statements – Mythophobia



Names or hearing a certain name – Onomatophobia

Names – Nomatophobia

Narrow things or places – Stenophobia

Narrowness – Anginophobia

Needles – Aichmophobia or Belonephobia

New, anything or novel – Kainophobia, Kainolophobia, Cenophobia, Centophobia, or Neophobia

Newness – Cainophobia, Cenophobia, Centophobia, or Cainotophobia

News: hearing good news – Euphobia

Night or dark – Nyctophobia

Night – Noctiphobia

Noise – Acousticophobia

Noises, loud – Ligyrophobia

Noises or voices, speaking aloud, or telephones – Phonophobia

Northern lights – Auroraphobia

Nosebleeds – Epistaxiophobia

Novelty or anything new – Kainophobia or Kainolophobia

Novelty – Cainophobia or Cainotophobia

Nuclear weapons – Nucleomituphobia

Nudity – Gymnophobia or Nudophobia

Number 8 – Octophobia

Number 13 – Triskadekaphobia

Numbers – Arithmophobia or Numerophobia



Objects, small – Tapinophobia

Ocean or sea – Thalassophobia

Odor, personal – Bromidrosiphobia, Bromidrophobia, Osmophobia or Osphresiophobia

Odor, that one has a vile odor – Autodysomophobia

Odors or smells – Olfactophobia

Official doctrine, challenges to or radical deviation from – Heresyphobia or Hereiophobia


Old people – Gerontophobia

Old, growing – Gerascophobia or Gerontophobia

Open spaces – Agoraphobia

Open high places – Aeroacrophobia

Operation, surgical – Tomophobia

Opinions – Allodoxaphobia

Others, dependence on – Soteriophobia

Otters – Lutraphobia

Outer space – Spacephobia



Pain – Algiophobia, Ponophobia, Odynophobia or Odynephobia

Paper – Papyrophobia

Parasites – Parasitophobia

Parents-in-law – Soceraphobia

Peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth – Arachibutyrophobia

Pellagra – Pellagrophobia

Penis, erect – Medorthophobia

Penis, esp erect – Phallophobia

Penis, erect: seeing, thinking about or having – Ithyphallophobia

Penis, losing an erection – Medomalacuphobia

People – Anthropophobia

People in general or society – Sociophobia

People, deformed or bearing a deformed child – Teratophobia

Philosophy – Philsosphobia

Phobias – Phobophobia

Phobic preferring fearful situations – Counterphobia

Pins and needles – Belonephobia

Pins – Enetophobia

Place: locked in an enclosed place – Cleithrophobia, Cleisiophobia, or Clithrophobia

Place, being in a dark or gloomy – Lygophobia

Places, certain – Topophobia

Places, crowded public – Agora[phobia

Places, open high – Aeroacrophobia

Places or things, narrow – Stenophobia

Plants – Botonophobia

Pleasure, feeling – Hedonophobia

Poetry – Metrophobia

Pointed objects – Aichmophobia

Poison – Iophobia

Poisoned, being – Toxiphobia, Toxophobia, or Toxicophobia

Poliomyelitis, contracting – Poliosophobia

Politicians – Politicophobia

Pope – Papaphobia

Poverty – Peniaphobia

Precipices – Cremnophobia

Priests or sacred things – Hierophobia

Progress – Prosophobia

Property – Orthophobia

Prostitutes or venereal disease – Cypridophobia, Cypriphobia, Cyprianophobia, or Cyprinophobia

Punishment or flogging – Mastigophobia

Punishment by a rod or other instrument, or of being severely criticized – Rhabdophobia

Punishment – Poinephobia

Puppets – Pupaphobia

Purple, colour  – Porphyrophobia



Rabies – Cynophobia, Hydrophobophobia, Hydrophobia, Kynophobia, or Lyssophobia

Radiation or x-rays – Radiophobia

Railroads or train travel – Siderodromophobia

Rain – Ombrophobia or Pluviophobia

Rape – Virginitiphobia

Rat, great mole – Zemmiphobia

Relatives – Syngenesophobia

Religion or gods – Theophobia

Religious ceremonies – Teleophobia

Reptiles – Herpetophobia

Responsibility or duty, neglecting – Paralipophobia

Responsibility – Hypengyophobia or Hypegiaphobia

Ridiculed, being – Catagelophobia or Katagelophobia

Rivers – Potamphobia or Potamophobia

Road travel or travel – Hodophobia

Robbers or being robbed – Harpaxophobia

Rooms, empty – Cenophobia or Centophobia

Rooms – Koinoniphobia

Ruin – Atephobia

Running water – Potamophobia

Russians – Russophobia



Sacred things or priests – Hierophobia

Satan – Satanophobia

Scabies – Scabiophobia

School, going to school – Didaskaleinophobia

School – Scolionophobia

Scientific terminology, complex – Hellenologophobia

Scratches or being scratched – Amychophobia


Sea or ocean – Thalassophobia

Self, seeing oneself in a mirror – Eisoptrophobia

Self, personal odor – Bromidrosiphobia or Bromidrophobia

Self, being alone – Autophobia, Eremophobia, Eremiphobia or Isolophobia

Self, being dirty – Automysophobia

Self, being oneself – Autophobia

Self, being seen or looked at – Scopophobia or Scoptophobia

Self, being touched – Aphenphosmphobia

Self, that one has a vile odor – Autodysomophobia

Semen – Spermatophobia or Spermophobia

Sermons – Homilophobia


Sex – Genophobia

Sex, opposite – Heterophobia or Sexophobia

Sexual abuse – Agraphobia or Contreltophobia

Sexual intercourse – Coitophobia

Sexual love or sexual questions – Erotophobia

Sexual perversion – Paraphobia

Shadows – Sciophobia or Sciaphobia

Shellfish – Ostraconophobia

Shock – Hormephobia


Sin or of having committted an unpardonable sin – Enosiophobia or Enissophobia; Sin – Hamartophobia

Single: staying single – Anuptaphobia

Sinning – Peccatophobia

Sitting down – Kathisophobia

Sitting – Cathisophobia or Thaasophobia

Situations, certain – Topophobia

Skin disease – Dermatosiophobia

Skin lesions – Dermatophobia

Skin of animals, fur- Doraphobia

Sleep – Somniphobia

Sleep or being hypnotized – Hypnophobia

Slime – Blennophobia or Myxophobia

Small things – Microphobia, Mycrophobia or Tapinophobia

Smells or odors – Olfactophobia

Smothered, being or choking – Pnigophobia or Pnigerophobia

Snakes – Ophidiophobia or Snakephobia

Snow – Chionophobia

Social (fear of being evaluated negatively in social situations) – 
Social Phobia

Society or people in general – Anthropophobia or Sociophobia

Solitude – Monophobia

Sounds – Acousticophobia

Sourness – Acerophobia

Space, closed or locked in an enclosed space – Cleithrophobia, Cleisiophobia, Clithrophobia

Space, outer- Spacephobia

Spaces, confined – Claustrophobia

Spaces, empty – Cenophobia, Centophobia or Kenophobia

Spaces, open- Agoraphobia

Speak, trying to- Glossophobia

Speaking – Laliophobia or Lalophobia

Speaking aloud, voices or noises, or telephones – Phonophobia

Speaking in public – Glossophobia

Specters or ghosts – Spectrophobia

Speed – Tachophobia

Spiders – Arachnephobia or Arachnophobia

Spirits – Pneumatiphobia

Stage fright – Topophobia

Stairs or climbing stairs – Climacophobia

Stand, inability to – Basiphobia or Basophobia

Standing upright – Basistasiphobia or Basostasophobia

Standing up – Stasiphobia

Standing up and walking – Stasibasiphobia

Stared at, being – Ophthalmophobia

Stars – Siderophobia or Astrophobia

Statements, false or myths or stories – Mythophobia

Staying single – Anuptaphobia

Stealing – Cleptophobia or Kleptophobia

Step-father – Vitricophobia

Step-mother – Novercaphobia

Stings – Cnidophobia or Linonophobia

Stooping – Kyphophobia

Strangers or foreigners – Xenophobia

Streets, crossing streets – Dromophobia

Streets – Agyrophobia

String – Linonophobia

Storm, thunder- Brontophobia

Stuttering – Psellismophobia


Sun or sunlight – Heliophobia

Sunshine or daylight – Phengophobia

Surgical operations – Tomophobia

Swallowing or eating – Phagophobia

Symbolism – Symbolophobia

Syphillis (lues) – Luiphobia or Syphilophobia



Tapeworms – Taeniophobia

Taste – Geumaphobia or Geumophobia

Technology – Technophobia

Teeth – Odontophobia

Termites – Isopterophobia

Tests, taking – Testophobia

Tetanus or lockjaw – Tetanophobia

Theaters – Theatrophobia

Theology – Theologicophobia

Things, many – Polyphobia

Things, large – Megalophobia

Things or places, narrow – Stenophobia

Things, small – Microphobia or Mycrophobia

Thinking – Phronemophobia

Thunder – Ceraunophobia

Thunder and lightning – Astraphobia, Astrapophobia, Brontophobia or Keraunophobia

Toads – Bufonophobia


Tombstones – Placophobia

Tornadoes and hurricanes – Lilapsophobia

Touched, being touched – Aphenphosmphobia, Haphephobia or Haptephobia or Chiraptophobia

Trains, railroads or train travel – Siderodromophobia

Travel or road travel – Hodophobia

Trees – Dendrophobia

Trembling – Ttremophobia

Tricinosis – Trichinophobia

Tuberculosis – Phthisiophobia or Tuberculophobia

Tyrants – Tyrannophobia



Ugliness – Cacophobia

Undressing in front of someone – Dishabillophobia

Urine or urinating – Urophobia



Vaccination – Vaccinophobia

Vegetables – Lachanophobia

Venereal disease or prostitutes – Cypridophobia, Cypriphobia, Cyprianophobia, or Cyprinophobia

Ventriloquist’s dummy – Automatonophobia

Vision: double vision – Diplophobia

Voices or noises, speaking aloud or telephones – Phonophobia

Voids or empty spaces – Kenophobia

Vomiting secondary to airsickness – Aeronausiphobia

Vomiting – Emetophobia



Waits, long – Macrophobia

Walking – Ambulophobia, Basistasiphobia or Basostasophobia

Washing – Abultophobia

Wasps – Spheksophobia

Water – Hydrophobia

Waves or wave like motions – Cymophobia or Kymophobia


Wax statues – Automatonophobia

Weakness – Asthenophobia

Wealth – Plutophobia

Weapons, nuclear – Nucleomituphobia

Weight, gaining – Obesophobia or Pocrescophobia

Wind – Ancraophobia or Anemophobia

Wine – Oenophobia

Witches and Witchcraft – Wiccaphobia

Women – Gynephobia or Gynophobia

Wooden objects or forests – Xylophobia

Words – Logophobia or Verbophobia

Words, long- Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia or Sesquipedalophobia

Work – Ergophobia or Ponophobia

Worms – Scoleciphobia

Worms, being infested with – Helminthophobia

Wrinkles, getting – Rhytiphobia

Writing – Graphophobia

Writing in public – Scriptophobia



X-rays or radiation – Radiophobia



Yellow colour – Xanthophobia.


How I can help you...

I can work with you to achieve your goals, whatever they may be… CBT, Hypnotherapy and the other psychological therapies I offer can be tailored to address many issues, so if you would like to work on something that’s not included below get in touch.

Contact me

If you’re interested in taking the next step towards positive change get in touch, I would love to hear from you.

All messages come through to me personally, which I deal with as soon as I can. If you reach my answerphone please leave a voicemail or send a text or email.

I am happy to provide you with more information and answer any questions you may have. I will also create an effective solution tailored for you personally, if you choose to work with me.

Get in touch for more information, to arrange an appointment, FREE initial consultation or call back. All information is treated as strictly confidential.

Make positive change for life with Hypnotherapy and NLP plus CBT Therapy Bristol and North Somerset

Claire Paul (Hons), MSc, Dip. Hyp, Dip. LC/ PC, Psychologist Hypnotherapist and Professional Life Coach Bristol and North Somerset

FREE initial consultation: 07813 138 171/

Copyright© 2006-present. Harmony4Life Therapy. All rights reserved. Website by Claire Paul.

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How I can help you...

I can work with you to achieve your goals, whatever they may be… CBT, Hypnotherapy and the other psychological therapies I offer can be tailored to address many issues, so if you would like to work on something that’s not included below get in touch.

Contact me

If you’re interested in taking the next step towards positive change get in touch, I would love to hear from you.

All messages come through to me personally, which I deal with as soon as I can. If you reach my answerphone please leave a voicemail or send a text or email.

I am happy to provide you with more information and answer any questions you may have. I will also create an effective solution tailored for you personally, if you choose to work with me.

Get in touch for more information, to arrange an appointment, FREE initial consultation or call back. All information is treated as strictly confidential.

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Make positive change for life with Hypnotherapy and NLP plus CBT Therapy Bristol and North Somerset

Claire Paul (Hons), MSc, Dip. Hyp, Dip. LC/ PC, Psychologist Hypnotherapist and Professional Life Coach Bristol and North Somerset

FREE initial consultation: 07813 138 171/

Copyright© 2006-present. Harmony4Life Therapy. All rights reserved. Website by Claire Paul.

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