Conquer Your Stage Fright with Personalised Coaching and Hypnotherapy ~ Bristol and North Somerset Since 2006

Does Stage Fright & Performance Anxiety Hold You Back?

You're not alone. Countless individuals struggle with anxiety and fear before presentations, performances, or even social situations.

Do any of these sound familiar?

Stop letting stage fright hold you back

I am a highly experienced coach and hypnotherapist and can tailor sessions to help you overcome stage fright and unlock your full potential. I go beyond addressing the symptoms, targeting the root cause for lasting change.

Schedule a free consultation to discuss the best approach for you.

Stage fright is incredibly common

Stage fright, performance anxiety or glossophobia (the fancy medical term!), is very common. Even stars like Adele, Lorde and Barbara Streisand battled stage fright!

Unleash Your Confidence: Conquer Stage Fright with Me

Helping you overcome stage fright is my passion! I combine personalised coaching and powerful NLP Hypnotherapy techniques. I've honed my expertise in helping countless individuals achieve long term success.

My One to One Approach

Looking for a Supportive Group Environment?

While I offer one to one coaching and hypnotherapy, I also understand the power of group support.

"Fear of Public Speaking Programme: Speak in Public and Perform with Confidence"

This six-part programme equips you with the tools and techniques to move with confidence in any situation.

Don't miss out! Spots are limited, so click below to learn more and reserve your place!

Ready to take your public speaking to the next level?

The Confidence Collective Club is more than just practice. It's a place to connect with like-minded individuals, share experiences, and boost motivate on your journey to confident speaking.

Person looking confident while speaking on stage at a podium.
Audience looking supportive in a brightly lit auditorium.
Person with sweaty palms gripping a microphone on stage
A speaker smiles confidently at the audience, delivering their presentation with enthusiasm.
A speaker gestures and smiles while talking to a group, appearing comfortable and engaging.
A person confidently speaking in public, and using gestures to express themselves.

Free Consultation: Conquer Stage Fright Now

Start your journey to confident public speaking. today!

What people are saying...

“I just wanted to say that the (best man's) speech couldn’t have gone any better. I used the numerous techniques we spoke about. I do really want to watch it back now too as I received a lot of compliments on the speech, I received a lot of laughs, and a lot of people i didn’t know got up to shake my hand on the way back to my seat. I even got stopped on my way out by the mother and father of the bride, who I’d met on the day to say how good the speech was and they were pleased that they had friends like me. Even got a couple of compliments saying I must do public speaking on a regular basis which was extremely nice to hear!! I also do have to say that I felt so pumped after the speech I hope it’s not the last time I have to give one! Thank you for all the help and the guidance as it really did help and made it an enjoyable experience in the end!”
“To Claire, I wanted to let you know how much I appreciated your help and expertise with public speaking. This week I was asked to present and spoke without any fear in front of 40 people, some of which were at senior management level. I have my enjoyment of public speaking back! Thank you so much- it’s a gift. To go from where I was to where I am now in weeks feels magical! There are no limitations for me in my job now- I can enjoy it all, which feels wonderful. Your work is very special. Huge thanks”
"I have to say it (reading the eulogy at Mum’s funeral) went even better than I had ever expected. I read your tips I had noted with you during the days before the funeral and read the notes you sent by email as follow up advice before going to bed two nights before. I made as many funny bits in the eulogy between the emotional bits as you suggested and tried to breathe and did the mindfulness tips whilst trying to get through the hymn before my turn to speak. I was proud in the end that I got through 20 minutes of talking and I didn’t cry. So many people said it was a wonderful eulogy and even my husband was impressed! I know you helped me in those weeks building up to the day so much and I will always be deeply grateful. I’m glad I came to see YOU and not anyone else."
“Hi Claire, I’ve been noticing some real improvements with myself both in professional and social environments. Almost all of my “symptoms” when I have to speak in front of people have all but gone, except from the occasional butterflies which I feel is very normal. It’s hard to put my finger on the exact cause of these improvements, I feel it’s more an accumulation of the many coaching/exercises you’ve taken me through. I feel I have achieved the goals we have set out, thank you for all of your efforts with me, you’ve really helped me and I am very grateful. I’ll be in touch if I need anymore coaching😊 All the best”

Curious about the power of one to one coaching?

Learn more about how it can help you conquer stage fright permanently. My tailored approach uses powerful psychological techniques in a simple and practical way. You'll be equipped with actionable methods you can use right away, regardless of how long you've experienced stage fright or what triggers it.

Free Self Assessment Package

To jumpstart your journey, receive a FREE Self Assessment Package when you book your first one to one session. This package includes:

Support Designed for You

I offer flexible session options to suit your needs: face-to-face, phone, or online. Let's work together to build your confidence and help you shine!

With my skills and experience I can help you...

What will this mean for you?

My clients have achieved success in many areas after we’ve worked together to overcome stage fright…

You may benefit in other ways too and trying to pinpoint what these are is a very important first step to being the new you. So, just take some time to think about how your life would be different if you could overcome stage fright...

How would you know you were free from stage fright? What would be different? What would people notice about you? What would you be doing differently?

For more inspiration read my clients' 'anxiety' and 'social anxiety' success stories...

President Barack Obama Addressing a Crowd

More about Stage Fright, Performance Anxiety and Glossophobia

Public speaking or performing can make anyone nervous, even celebrities! There are even terms for this: stage fright, or performance anxiety. It's that feeling of worry or fear you might get when you have to perform in front of people, even if it's just a camera. This can happen when you have to give a speech or presentation; it's just your body's way of getting ready for something important.

Glossophobia is the medical term for the strong and persistent fear of public speaking or performing. It's a common condition that affects many people, causing them to feel nervous or anxious when they have to speak or perform in front of an audience. Many feel ashamed of their fear and scared to be seen. Think of it as stage fright or performance anxiety, but with a fancy medical name! It simply means a strong dislike of speaking or performing in public. Even talking to a small group can be tough if you have glossophobia.

Stage fright and performance anxiety can hit you anywhere, not just on stage! Here are some common situations where nerves might show up:

Conquer Stage Fright now

Public speaking should be an opportunity to share your ideas and connect with your audience, not a source of anxiety. Traditional methods often scratch the surface, but I take a different approach. I focus on the root cause.

We will work together to build your confidence and comfort in front of an audience. By addressing the underlying cause, public speaking can become enjoyable, empowering you to share your ideas with confidence. I've been helping people overcome this challenge since 2006, and I find it incredibly rewarding.

My passion lies in empowering individuals to overcome performance anxiety and unlock their full potential, especially in career settings. I leverage my experience in several key areas:

This unique combination of expertise ensures you receive targeted coaching to overcome your public speaking fears and achieve your career aspirations.

Whether you’re suffering from long term stage fright or you’ve only just recently experienced it please seek help of some kind. You can feel better with the right help.

Your Customised Plan

Calming images help restful sleep

We'll find the right approach for you. Whether it's the Conquer Stage Fright Programme, hypnotherapy, CBT, NLP, coaching, or a mix - we'll choose what works best to unlock your potential.

Your Info Makes Each Session Stronger!

Image of a person looking happy.

The details you share allow me to customise each session to your specific needs. This personalised approach helps maximise results, especially in therapies like hypnotherapy.

Unlock Lasting Change: Mind and Body Together

A group of people having fun outdoors as the sun goes down.

Harmony4Life's safe & effective approach combines hypnotherapy with powerful techniques to create lasting improvements on a conscious & subconscious level.

Empowerment Through Self-Discovery

Pebble stack representing balance and harmony

All my techniques are safe and proven to help people like you improve their lives, both personally and professionally. It's an exciting journey of self-discovery and empowerment!

Individual Coaching

Learn coping skills for bereavement, manage your anger, overcome jealousy and so much more with CBT Therapy, NLP and Hypnotherapy

Personalised CBT-based coaching empowers you to develop self awareness, build confidence, and master practical techniques to overcome stage fright.


Calming images help restful sleep

Harmony4Life hypnotherapy combats anxiety by putting relaxation at the forefront. After all, anxiety and relaxation can't coexist!

How I can help you...

I can work with you to achieve your goals, whatever they may be… CBT, Hypnotherapy and the other psychological therapies I offer can be tailored to address many issues, so if you would like to work on something that’s not included below get in touch.

Contact me

If you’re interested in taking the next step towards positive change get in touch, I would love to hear from you.

All messages come through to me personally, which I deal with as soon as I can. If you reach my answerphone please leave a voicemail or send a text or email.

I am happy to provide you with more information and answer any questions you may have. I will also create an effective solution tailored for you personally, if you choose to work with me.

Get in touch for more information, to arrange an appointment, FREE initial consultation or call back. All information is treated as strictly confidential.

Make positive change for life with Hypnotherapy and NLP plus CBT Therapy Bristol and North Somerset

Claire Paul (Hons), MSc, Dip. Hyp, Dip. LC/ PC, Psychologist Hypnotherapist and Professional Life Coach Bristol and North Somerset

FREE initial consultation: 07813 138 171/

Copyright© 2006-present. Harmony4Life Therapy. All rights reserved. Website by Claire Paul.

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